
A Study of Investment Behavior of Middle Income Group towards Different Kinds of Investment Avenues

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... Most of the respondents were found to be annual investors (Goyal, & Sharma, 2014) with risk bearing attitude ranging from high (Prabhavathi, & Kishore, 2013) to medium (Sireesha, & Laxmi, 2013) to total risk averseness (Vasagadekar, 2014;Junare, & Patel, 2012 [18] modes for investing and mutual funds (Kumar, & Bansal, 2014) were considered safe and profitable by many. They have thus aroused people for long term investments. ...
... Majority of investors were found to be risk averse who wanted safety (Brahmabhatt, (Goyal, & Sharma, 2014;Sireesha, & Laxmi, 2013). The study by Chawla, (2014) revealed that majority wanted capital appreciation and high returns along with tax savings and low risk. ...
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In fact, several recent developments in the upcoming international scenario have ushered into important changes in India’s foreign policy structure under PM Modi which have to forge NewDelhi’s closer relations with neighbouring countries. Evidently, that manifests a more pragmatic interest-oriented foreign policy of the country with a view to make India a self-sustaining economic power with socio-political stability and potentially sound security structure. Ratification of Land Boundary Agreement is like falling of the “Berlin Wall” between India and Bangladesh which is considered as the golden chapter in their bilateral relationships and the BJP’S victory in Utter Pradesh would definitely affects the remaining issues, between the two countries. Today, both are strategic partners in the war against terrorism. Though, there are several unavoidable issues gravely influencing the bilateral relations need further deliberation.
... Bairgi and Rastogi (2013) point out that Investment refers to the commitment of funds at present, in anticipation of some positive return in future [12] . Goyal and Sharma (2014) claim that investment is the process of sacrificing something today in order to earn in future more than the inflation rate prevailing [13] . Sathiyamoorth and Krishnamurthy (2015) have stated that investment is an adherence of money for earning extra income [14] . ...
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The direction of economic growth is determined by the investments and amongst the different classes the organizational people are largely contributing by investing their savings into different investment options for different motives. However, there are research questions regarding investment objectives, options and awareness about different investments and the present research is endowed to ponder upon one dimension i.e. to examine the investment objectives of employees in the private and public sector organizations. The focus of the research was to achieve three objectives viz. To examine the rank-wise investment objectives of all salaried class employees, to compare the Rank-wise investment objectives of public and private sector salaried class and to assess the weighted average scores and ranking of Investment Objectives of public and private sector employees. Key words: Salaried class, investment objectives, weighted averages and ranking of investment objectives.
... Pertumbuhan dalam kajian penelitian ini merupakan salah satu variable bebas yang dapat mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan karena semakin tinggi kemampuan perusahaan memdapatkan laba, maka semakin besar tingkat pengembalian atas investasi yang diharapkan oleh para investor. Oleh karena itu perusahaan yang memiliki pertumbuhan tinggi secara umum lebih diminati sahamnya oleh para investor sehingga secara otomatis pula berdampak pada naiknya nilai perusahaan itu (Goyal, & Sharma, 2014); (Akhmejanova,, 2015). ...
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of leverage, company growth, profitability on firm value in publicly traded companies (listed on the IDX for the 2018-2020 period). This research is a quantitative descriptive research. The population in this study are all publicly traded companies on the IDX. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 28 companies. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression test, t test, and F test. The results showed that partially showed that partially showed that leverage and profitability had no significant effect on firm value, while firm growth had a significant effect on firm value. The variables of leverage, firm growth and profitability have a significant effect on firm value. So the model used is in accordance with the goodness fit model, with an effect of 38.6%. While the remaining 61.4% is explained by other variables outside the research model, this is evidenced by the results of the coefficient of determination test.
... For middle income group people, investment is one of the major issues as they have very small savings today to meet the expenses for tomorrow. Their risk bearing capacity and investment avenues are majorly dependent on management between expenses and saving (Goyal & Sharma 2014). Digital era has changed the investing style of individuals particular in metro cities. Due to ease to access the real time information the percentage of investment has increased from traditional to the modern investment avenues. ...
While investing, it is most important for an investor that he/she understand and follows the basic principles of investing to gain maximum advantages out of it. The present study analyzes the investment behavior of 190 economically weaker section (EWS) investors and rank their preferences and reasons using Garret ranking. The study observes that investors prefer to invest in traditional investment avenue over modern avenue due to lack of awareness and ease of investing across demographics. Results of ANOVA inform a small shift to mutual funds and change in perceived risk and return behavior in selected age, income, and education category. The study recommends for opening of dedicated small financial planning centers/branches/kiosks, etc. to increase their awareness level and participation so that they can gain maximum advantages from their investment.
... In addition to the demographic and socio-economic factors, investment-related information and awareness significantly drive investors towards choosing an investment avenue. Goyal and Sharma (2014) and Saibaba et al. (2002) found that knowledge about investment avenues significantly influences investment preference towards the avenue. In addition to knowledge, personal characteristics significantly influence an individual's investment decision. ...
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Following the COVID-19 breakout, investment in shares, mutual funds, and life insurance are witnessing a growing trend in India. Hence, examining the determinants of investor preferences is necessary to maintain a positive trend. This study analyzes the impact of investor motives and awareness on investor preferences using the data collected from 753 Indian investors in 2020. Factor analysis grouped the investment motives into six categories, namely Nature of investments, Future financial needs, Investor personal characteristics, Safety and stability of investments, Investor behavioral aspects, and Investor’s options. The regression model used to find the impact of the investment motives and the awareness on the investor preferences explains 52.3% of changes in investor preference. Investment factors like Nature of investments, Investor personal characteristics, Investor behavior, Investor options, Awareness of mutual funds, and shares have a significant impact on investor preferences. Further, the awareness level of mutual funds and the stock market are the major variables contributing to Investors’ preference rather than identified investment factors. Investors’ personal characteristics like knowledge, confidence, ability, responsibility, and belief negatively influence investor preferences. This study adds to the existing literature by analyzing investment motives and preferences during the pandemic.
... Goyal, Megha and Sharma, Dr.Anikrati (2014)-The study has conducted to answer few important questions about preferences of the investment instrument as real estate, bullion, precious stones, money market and capital market etc. K. Parimalakanthi and Dr.M. Ashok Kumar-They Studied the Investment Preference and behavior of Individual Investors in Coimbatore City.N. S. Pandey and P. Kathavarayan(2015)-The primary motive of investment by a common investor in Indiais tax-savings. ...
... Later many researchers [2,3] using the notion of Q-fuzzy for extending some algebraic applications. Megha Goyal and Anukrati Sharma [4] discussed the Investment Behavior of Middle Income Group towards Different Kinds of Investment Avenues. In this paper the notion of Q-fuzzy Set is used for decision making situation and Q-Fuzzy Decision (QFD) set is introduced for optimal investment decision. ...
Every day new research comes into the research arena with the application of fuzzy logic. Fuzzy is hot idea in the today market. The superi- ority of fuzzy logic rests on its application. It changes its mode of application according to the research area. In decision making process, it acts as a predom- inant tool. Here we are going to apply a new inventory in Fuzzy logic called Q-Fuzzy in the investment decision making. In this paper, how to make an optimal investment decision using Q-Fuzzy has been carried out.
Economy of our country is increasing rapidly among the countries of world where 1.3 Billion people and middle group covers 45% of the population. The remaining 59% people come under poor category and 1% in rich category. The middle group is divided into lower and higher. Lower middle group family income is less than 25000 per month and the upper middle class earn 50k to 150k monthly (As on 2018-19). Middle group population is the vital component for Indian economic development. They effect demand and supply of need and comfort products at a great extent. Their saving and investment shape gets influenced by their predicted needs for future; provide extensive scope for researchers due to larger impact on the investment bazaar. Through this research paper, researcher throws the light on investment behaviour adopted by middle group families, included groups associated in either service or business, whose income exist between two lakhs to five lakhs p.a. main purpose of selecting certain income group is to know that how to manage their investment avenues with small or limited income after spend their all expense. The reason of this study is to find out answer of some genuine questions for their choices of investment's instruments in money market and capital market, real estate, commodity market, derivatives market etc., investment pattern implemented in a definite manner and objectives behind selecting a certain investment's instrument. Investment is one the main key issue for middle group families as they have small saving today are to meet their needs for future expenses. As a conclusion, this research paper study helps to examine that how they manage their savings and expenses, risk facing capacity and other elements which influence their investment decision.
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Behavioural finance is flourishing with its own principle and methodology and has focused on the rationality of investor’s investment planning and decisions. Most of the researchers are coming from western part of the globe and have limited study in Southeast Asia. The purpose of the study is to define the relationship of identified determinants with investment pattern and to explore the relationship of psychological factors influencing the investment decision makings with the returns through investments. Through exploratory approach, seven factors were explored through PCA using rotated component matrix. Statistical tool regression analysis was the seven constructs which explains 48.2% variance of the model. This study will provide food for thought for the researchers who want to work in the field of behavioural finance. This study will also enable managers and policy-makers in understanding the ongoing research in the fields of behavioural finance and investment pattern of investors.KeywordsBehavioural financeDeterminantsInvestmentRisk and returnRegression
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The present research analyses the investment awareness of government employees of Saurashtra Region of Gujarat state. Generally it seems that awareness level of government employees towards investment is differed with rest of respondents. But among them what is their awareness level towards different investment avenues is the topic of the study. The researchers have carried out the research based on primary data collected through structured questionnaire. Diverse demographic factors are taken into account in the research like gender, age, income, qualification etc. These demographic factors influence the awareness of investors. For the data analysis, T-test and one way ANOVA are applied. Total 83 responses are collected for the present study. Thus this research paper covers government employees as respondents and analysed their investment awareness.
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In the past two and half decade a paradigm shift has taken place in the field of financial economics from standard finance to a new field of finance named as Behavioral Finance. Behavioral Finance enriches the standard finance theories or models by giving insights from psychology, neuroscience, sociology, organisation behaviour and law and explains how the cognitive errors and emotions of investors influences their decision making process. Behavioral Finance is an emerging field that combines the understanding of behavioural and cognitive psychology with financial decision making process. It is the fastest growing area in the field of academic research in finance. This investigates whether behavioral biases are evident among Indian risk seeking Investors or not and which bias is most prominent among risk seeking investors.
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This journal provide researchers an international platform to publish their researches. This is peer reviewed international journal with 6+ impact factor. It's website is ISSN No 2277-5811( print) and 2278-9065(online). The authors / researchers/ professors are requested to send their papers for Jun 2021 issue. For Authors Guidelines visit our website
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Abstract PAPER/ARTICLE INFO RECEIVED ON: 20/02/2020 ACCEPTED ON: 28/04/2020 Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Ngboawaji Daniel Nte, Oluka Nduka Lucas, Michael C. Uzorka, BabaAhmadu Abdulaziz (2020), ―Mainstreaming Human Rights in Emergency Management: Views from the COVID-19 Pandemic Management in Nigeria‖, Int. J. of Trade and CommerceIIARTC, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 01- 12 Globally periods of emergencies, disasters and crises require desperate responses from the state no matter the type of government. However, the most widely accepted democratic order has in it, some inalienable rights and principles no matter the prevailing situation. Whilst advanced democracies the world over have made concerted efforts to ensure the protection of the rights of the entire citizenry in the course the management of the current rampaging Covid 19 pandemic, the same can’t be said about such transitional democracies like Nigeria. The preponderance of gory images of arrant brutality by security personnel in India, Nigeria etc. speaks volumes. The paper therefore seeks to provide a useful and working paradigm to ensure that the inalienable rights of citizens during the management of global pandemics such as the current Covid 19 must be respected and guaranteed as the hallmark of modern society.
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Behavioral researchers claim that investors are compelled by their personal beliefs and opinions and are inclined to make cognitive errors. These errors can lead to market inefficiencies and can get predictable in the form of biases like cognitive bias and emotional bias which lead to many speculative bubbles like the dot-com bubble, subprime mortgage and credit crisis which led to a bubble burst in 2007. These gave rise to a new discipline named behavioural finance which explains how the cognitive errors and emotions of investors influences their decision making process. Out of all biases prevailing in the Indian Capital market, Herding is considered to be the most common behavior biases found among investors. The present study focuses on investigating the presence of herd behavior in the Indian Capital market during the Chinese Stock Market Turbulence. BSE 500 index data has been used in the analysis and the entire data period of 2013-2019, is classified into three phases pre-crisis(13-14), during crisis(15-16), post-crisis(17-19).CSSD and CSAD regression models have been used in the analysis. It was found that there is no evidence of herding in the Indian Stock market during pre-crisis, during crisis and post crisis of the Chinese Stock market Turbulence.
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1. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze the marketing system of the plastic door of Aziz Pipes Limited in Bangladesh. 2. Design/methodology/approach: Exploratory research design has been used for the study. The study has collected data from primary and secondary sources. The study has obtained primary data from manufacturers, dealers, developers, architectural firms and individual consumers selected through a purposive sampling technique. Opinions of the respondents about the marketing system of the plastic door have been gathered through face-to-face interviews using separate sets of semi-structured (open-ended and closed-ended) questionnaires for each category of respondents. However, secondary data have been gathered and analyzed for the study from company annual reports, books, journals, and websites. 3. Findings: The findings of the study indicate the existing marketing system and channels of distribution used, sources, and kinds of raw materials, PVC profile manufacturing process, the pricing policy, opportunity and threat analysis, and marketing functions faced by the company. There is a major limitation, especially in promotional efforts. Therefore, the company should take effective measures to create a favorable brand image towards markets and attain relatively better performance in this industry following a market-driven strategy. 4. Practical implications: The study has practical implications for the manufacturers, dealers, developers, architectural firms, individual consumers, investors, policymakers, industry experts, and media to discuss and create a sustainable marketing practice for the plastic door in Bangladesh. 5. Originality/value: The study will help to originate the value to the manufacturers, dealers, developers, architectural firms, and individual consumers of the plastic door if the effective and efficient marketing system can be practiced more rigorously for the better proliferation of the segmented markets. As a result, marketers can incorporate the convenient marketing mix structure in order to provide insight into the plastic door industry in Bangladesh to evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing strategies and tactics. -----For Citation: Arif, M. Z. U., Saker, A. H., & Haider, S. (2020). Marketing System of Plastic Door in Bangladesh: A Study on Aziz Pipes Limited, International Journal of Trade and Commerce- IIARTC, 9(1), 200-212. Available from: [accessed 24 June 2023].
Predicted to grow above 4.9 billion by 2030, with an overall spending capacity of $56 trillion, the rise of the middle class in emerging markets has attracted global practitioner and academic attention. How this new wealth will be invested is a central question; yet our understanding still remains fragmented. Drawing on the literatures of international business, behavioral economics and finance and using high-frequency stock market data, we examine and map the trading behavior of the middle class in Turkey, one of the fastest rising economic powers of the East. We find that middle class traders exhibit discernible differences to professionals, with respect to risk attitudes and stock preferences (e.g. prefer lower-risk, smaller-size and ‘value’ stocks). In addition, while they typically hold small portfolios and tend to realize lower gains than professionals, their role has become considerably influential to the direction of the entire market.
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The aim of this research was to examine the investment behaviour of the middle income class households in Nagpur. The rationale behind choosing this research topic is the premise that the middle class in India has gained attention of the economists, policy makers & the marketers, as still there remains a considerable untapped potential in this income class of India. The research has been conducted to answer few important questions on the preference of the investment instruments & investment pattern of the middle class households, to know the various objectives of investment of the middle income class households and to know whether there has been any increase in their savings & the reasons for the same. It is not only the income of the household that has an immediate bearing on the investment preferences but also the age group to which the head of the household belongs that influences the choice of investment avenue. Therefore the paper has also been directed towards finding the difference in choice of investment avenues in different age-groups & income classes of the middle income class segment in Nagpur.
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Understanding of the behaviour of investment provides an important insight into the process of economic development. The economic growth critically depends on capital accumulation and it stems from investment. The economy's productive capacity can be expanded by investment as a dynamic variable, on long life capital goods which embody technical advance. This paper using the neoclassical theory of investment, explores the investment determinants, using fifteen years (1991-2005) panel data set comprising of ten manufacturing industries at an aggregate level. The study makes use of panel estimation models along with the recently developed IPS panel unit root test [Im, Pesaran and Shin, 2003]. The results of the random effects model indicates that output, change in output (with one year lag) and profits, along with capital stock, change in capital stock (with one year lag) and cost of capital are important variables in determining investment behaviour of Indian manufacturing sector.
Mutual Funds markets are constantly becoming more efficient by providing more promising solutions to the investors. Mutual funds industry is responding at a good pace and understanding the investor’s perception, still they are continuously following this race in their attempt to differentiate their products responding to sudden changes in the economy. The need of an hour is to analyze investor’s perception and expectations, and share important information to support financial decision making of mutual funds. Financial markets are becoming more exhaustive with financial products looking for new innovations and to some extent innovations are also visible in designing mutual funds portfolio but these changes need arrangement in accordance with investor’s expectations the risk they perceive, the knowledge they possess about the mutual fund industry. The risk orientation represents the risk bearing capacity and interest of the investors. Even though, the mutual funds is a risk less investment avenues in the capital market, it is also involved with market risks. The risk orientation among the investors is highly essential to invest on mutual funds and their investment behaviour. Thus, it has become essential to study mutual funds from a different angle, i.e, to focus on investor’s expectations and discover the unidentified parameters that account for their dissatisfaction.In order to achieve the objective of developing an understanding about retail investor’s risk orientation, and knowledge regarding the mutual funds a well structured questionnaire was designed. Responses of retail investors and were collected through filled questionnaire with pre-explained objectives of research. The pre-structured questionnaires were distributed among those investors only who had prior experience of mutual fund investment. For this selective systematic sampling was taken for consideration. For reliability of questionnaire 524 individual investors were selected from six cities of Rajasthan namely Ajmer, Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Bikarer and Kota. Main focus of questionnaire was to obtain responses of retail investors regarding how they evaluate mutual funds services in terms of risk orientation, and knowledge on their investment. The main objective of this research paper includes:Objective 1 To examine whether the life cycle influences the Risk Orientation of retail investors in the state of Rajasthan.Objective 2 To study the perception of risk involved in Mutual Fund by retail investors.Present research paper identifies the Risk orientation, among the Retail investors Regarding Indian mutual fund industry with the help of Regression Analysis and Chi Square test and factor Analysis. A study at aggregate level tested by chi-square test is also depicted.
Study of Saving Pattern and Investment Preferences of Individual Household in India
  • Meenakshi Chaturvedi
  • Shruti Khare
Chaturvedi, Meenakshi and Khare,Shruti (2012) "Study of Saving Pattern and Investment Preferences of Individual Household in India" International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, Volume No.3, May 2012,Issue No.5, ISSN 0976-2183.
Understanding Individual Investor"s Behavior: A Review of Empirical Evidence
  • Mandeep Kaur
  • Tina Vohra
Kaur, Mandeep and Vohra, Tina (2012) "Understanding Individual Investor"s Behavior: A Review of Empirical Evidence" Pacific Business Review International, Volume 5, Issue 6, December2012.
A Study on Preferred Investment Avenues Among Salaried Peoples with Reference to Namakkal Taluk
  • V R Palanivelu
  • K Chanrakumar
Palanivelu,V.R. and Chanrakumar,K. (2013) "A Study on Preferred Investment Avenues Among Salaried Peoples with Reference to Namakkal Taluk,Tamilnadu,,India" The 2013 IBEA, International Conference on Business Economics and Accounting 20 -23 March 2013,Bangkok,Thailand.